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Plus-Minus Samsung Galaxy Tab Each product must have an advantage over other products. But if you want to open your eyes and see the bad side, perhaps this will become a reference so you will not be surprised if later on have that product. Similarly, plus and minus in a Galaxy Tab. Living digitally review some of the positives and negatives on a 7-inch tablet From Samsung.

There are four main things to be seeded a Galaxy:

  1. Dimensions: 7 inches is the ideal size. Quite small when compared with the size 9.7 inch iPad. Easy to carry anywhere without either in bags or just held hands like carrying a cell phone.
  2. Keyboard: If you are familiar with thumb typing on the QWERTY keypad like the BlackBerry, then that's a keyboard in the Galaxy. It's easy and convenient to use.
  3. Hardware: If compared iPad iPad hardware must still be several levels above the Galaxy. But really if the hardware is in Galaxy has a good quality. Screen light is also sharp and sturdy case.
  4. Battery: With a variety of applications and many things can be done by the Galaxy, can be said to be extraordinary long-lasting batteries. If you are not a lot of running heavy applications, Tab battery can last up to 3 days.

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