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Display Taiwan 2011 is the exhibition of flat panel displays. The event which runs from June 14 to 16 was held in Taipei. Of all the displays on display there is a product that attracts attention: the iPad 3D.

These products appear in CPT booth and display the display on a tablet-sized 9.7 inch. Yes, although the Apple logo at the back is closed but can be seen that the iPad 3G. With the technology they developed has become a 3G iPad view 3D display. Surely it's not from Apple but CPT engineered to show the 3D technology they developed. And to attract the attention of many parties, used the iPad.

If CPT can change iPad iPad 3G into 3D, maybe Apple will also be designing iPad 3 with 3D features? Please refer to the following video:

Thank You to read My Post about iPad 3 comes with 3D Display

1 comment

iPad 3D is nice,he display is a tablet-sized 9.7 inch.I like to see movie and play game in biger display .where did you buy the iPad. I want to buy one in this website
everbuying.can you help me to select?

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