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Android 3.2 Honeycomb Detail A few hours ago Huawei announced the Huawei MediaPad 7 inches, the world's first tablet running Android 3.2. Specifications MediaPad pretty cool with the IPS display, dual-core 1.2GHz processor and Qualcomm's 1.3MP/5MP camera. But the most interesting is the mention of Android 3.2 as the OS.
As is known the new Android 3.1 was launched a few weeks ago at the Google I / O Conference while Android Ice Cream Sandwich is likely to release at the end of the year. And now comes the Android 3.2 for 7-inch tablet? According to news circulating, Android 3.2 will be the last version before Google releases Honeycomb Ice Cream Sandwich. Uniquely, version 3.2 is not only special for the tablets, but more specifically to support a 7-inch tablet.

In addition designed to be used in a 7-inch tablet, Android 3.2-matching is also coupled with support chipsets made by Qualcomm. This means the 7-inch tablet from HTC, HTC Flyer, and the possibility could be upgraded to Android 3.2. Inside the upgrade included bug fixes, improved hardware acceleration, the new version of Movie Studio, Movies, and Music and updates widgets.

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